Meet Andrew
Andrew's career in the Navy began after he earned his commission as an officer from the University of Notre Dame. He then spent the next 28 years of his life in service to our country including three combat deployments to Kuwait and Iraq. During his service, he earned a Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, four Navy Commendation Medals, a Navy Achievement Medal, Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal w/Marine Corps Combat Operations Insignia, Iraq Campaign Medal, Expert Rifleman Medal, Expert Pistol Shot Medal, and multiple other medals.
After completing his active military service, Andrew homesteaded in Athens and decided to pursue a master’s degree from UGA in Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurship. In 1991 he started a small firearms business called Clyde Armory. What started as a hobby business in his garage has grown into a nationwide company with two brick-and-mortar locations here in Georgia. As a veteran turned small business owner, Andrew was truly living the American dream.
Andrew Clyde was elected to the 117th Congress in November 2020 as an America First Representative. He serves on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Homeland Security Committee.
Andrew and his wife Jennifer are residents of Jackson County. They have a Doberman, Kit, who is a cherished part of the family.

Christmas Day 2007- delivering MRAPs (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles to Al Asad airbase Iraq
Andrew Clyde was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy.
Images do not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or any Service Branch.
Andrew's battle with the IRS.
On April 12, 2013, the IRS, without warning, wrongfully confiscated $940,000 from Andrew's business. Come to find out, they had been doing this to small business owners all across the country through an unconstitutional process known as civil asset forfeiture. Unfortunately, most people didn't have the financial resources to stand up for themselves and ultimately would lose their business and livelihood. In his case, the IRS offered a deal to give back $615,000 if Andrew would forfeit $325,000 of his legally-earned money to them as penance. This was extortion and he refused. Andrew challenged the corrupt IRS both in the court and then through the legislature. He eventually won but knew he couldn't stop there.
Andrew decided to make it his mission to ensure this never happened to a fellow American ever again. He went to Washington to work with Congress to pass legislation eliminating the ability of the IRS to seize legally-earned money, saving hundreds of individuals and business owners from wrongful prosecution each year. Three times in three different Congressional terms, Congress unanimously passed the Clyde-Hirsh-Sowers RESPECT Act. In 2019 it passed the Senate and on July 1, 2019, President Donald Trump signed the bill into law as part of the Taxpayer First Act.
"I never intended to run for public office, but this experience showed me there is a very thin line between 'We the People' running our government and our government running us. This is the fight of our lifetime, and I personally experienced the brutality of it so I won't back down."

"I fought terrorists in the deserts of Iraq,
I defeated corrupt IRS bureaucrats in the legislature and I will take on socialist democrats and the establishment in Washington."

protecting the Second amendment
The Second Amendment of our Constitution is the teeth in “We the People”, and it must never be compromised by the government. As a veteran and the proud owner of Clyde Armory, Andrew is a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment.
Defending life
Andrew is proudly pro-life and believes life begins at conception and ends at natural death. If we cannot defend the lives of the unborn, then we have lost our way as a nation. As your Congressman, Andrew will always work to protect the lives of our nation's innocent unborn.
Eliminating taxes
As a nation, we are overtaxed. If Americans are to truly be free, we must drastically decrease taxes and the size of the government those taxes fund. Andrew's tax plan would be simple:
1. Eliminate graduated taxes and implement a FairTax system [H.R.25]
2. Stop taxation on the production of goods [pass H.R. 25]
3. Dismantle the IRS [pass H.R. 25]
As a former Naval Officer with three combat tours in Iraq and Kuwait, Andrew has seen the sacrifices of the men and women who serve in our nation’s military firsthand. He will make it a top priority to ensure veterans receive the care the government promised them when they took their oath to protect this country.
Limiting Government
Congress has the authority to govern within the 18 articles outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Federal departments or funding for projects that fall outside of those 18 articles, should be eliminated. The Department of Education must go. The Environmental Protection Agency must go. These functions should be left to the States, and you should keep more of your tax dollars.
the Wall
Liberals and the "go-along-to-get-along" Republicans in Washington have kicked this can down the road for far too long. Border security is national security, and we need the wall along the southern border as an intigral part of national security. We must stop illegal immigration and illegal border crossings. A wall will also greatly reduce drug trafficking and fentanyl which is the number one killer of adults ages 18-45 in our country.
Take back the house
The Democrats have proven with their dangerous expansion of the IRS and weaponization of the FBI just how far they are willing to go in order to push their Big Government Socialist Agenda. We MUST take back the House this November to put an end to their radical government overreach and implement the Republican Commitment to America to put our nation back on the right track. This plan is based on four pillars:
1. An economy that is strong
2. A nation that is secure
3. A future based on freedom
4. A government that is accountable
Campaign Inquiries: connor@clyde4congress.com
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